Sunday, November 21, 2010


When has society become so corrupt? I think we're all asking the wrong question. The TRUE question is: When has society become so corrupt so OPENLY!?!

Min mita 9ar 3ade entekalam 3an rishawe in a meeting filled with almost 80 people?
The biggest shocker of them all is that as I looked around the room, not one person was shocked. NOT ONE!

Okay let me rewind a bit and explain.

I used to volunteer at a well known organization. VOLUNTEER being a key word.
I was excited. I thought I was doing something GREAT for my country. Doing some SELFLESS deeds. Actually achieving something. At that point, I knew what I wanted out of my life. I knew THIS is what I wanted.

As I got deeper into it, they started taking me seriously. Giving me more work. Trusting me with important matters. O ya lait-hom they didn't. I started discovering a lot of things that could get A LOT of people into A LOT of trouble. They did all these things so openly. They did all these horrible things without a care in the world. La 7aseeb wala raqeeb. Wele e7er zyada ena el 7okooma da3mat-hom financially.

So what is a person like me to do? A 22 year old student. Nothing. Not yet any way. I didn't want to be a part of it anymore. What was I getting myself into?

So when I announced I was leaving, they tried to buy me off. What a shocker.

I'm no quitter but how can I possibly do something about this when this organization is being backed up by the government?


Saturday, August 28, 2010

انا لله وانا اليه راجعون

اللهم ابدل (نجود جاسم بودي) دارا خيرا من دارهأ واهلا خيرا من اهلها وادخلها الجنة واعذها من عذاب القبر ومن عذاب النار .
اللـهـم عاملها بما انت اهلها ولا تعاملها بما. هو اهلها .
اللـهـم اجزها عن الاحسان إحسانا وعن الأساءة عفواً وغفراناً.
اللـهـم إن كانت محسنة فزدها من حسناتها , وإن كانت مسيئة فتجاوز عن سيئاتها .
اللـهـم ادخلها الجنة من غير مناقشة حساب ولا سابقة عذاب .
اللـهـم اّنسها في وحدتها وفي وحشتها وفي غربتها.
اللـهـم انزلها منزلاً مباركا وانت خير المنزلين .
اللـهـم انزلها منازل الصديقين والشهداء والصالحين وحسن اولئك رفيقا .
اللـهـم اجعل قبرها روضة من رياض الجنة ,ولا تجعله حفرة من حفر النار .
اللـهـم افسح لها في قبرها مد بصرها وافرش قبرها من فراش الجنة .
اللـهـم اعذها من عذاب القبر ,وجاف ِالارض عن جنبيها .
اللـهـم املأ قبرها بالرضا والنور والفسحة والسرور.
اللـهـم إنها فى ذمتك وحبل جوارك فقها فتنة الفبر وعذاب النار , وانت أهل الوفاء والحق فاغفر لها وارحمها انك انت الغفور الرحيم

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Paws VS Palms

Okay I'm all up for what they are doing and I think its great BUT I thibk it's a lost cause here in Kuwait.
do they REALLY think they are going to make a difference? Fighting for animal rights HERE in Kuwait? Ya 3ami gi3daw bas. We barely have Human rights o yaboona we fight for the animals. Khanakheth-hum e7na awal. E7na awla :P .. Let US human beings get them o tali enfaker eb hal animals. Laish ma sawaw "PALMS and Humans Shelter"?

La7ad yefhamni ghala6. I love animals but im just stating the obvious.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Zain Kuwait

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Allahoma Eshfi Nejoud Boodai

أسأل الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم أن يشفيها

لا إله الا الله الحليم الكريم .. لا اله الا الله العلي العظيم ..
لا إله الا الله رب السماوات السبع و رب العرش العظيم ..

لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له ..
له الملك .. و له الحمد و هو على كل شيء قدير ..
الحمد لله الذي لا إله إلا هو .. و هو للحمد أهل .. و هو على كل شيء قدير ..
و سبحان الله .. و لا إله إلا الله .. و الله أكبر .. و لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله ..

إلهي ..

أذهب البأس رب الناس ، اشف و أنت الشافي ، لا شفاء إلا شفاؤك ، شفاءً لا يغادر سقماً ..

إلهي ..

أذهب البأس رب الناس ، بيدك الشفاء ، لا كاشف له إلا أنت .. يارب العالمين آمين ..

إلهي ..

إني أسألك من عظيم لطفك وكرمك و سترك الجميل أن تشفيه و تمده بالصحة و العافية ..

إلهي ..

لا ملجأ و لا منجا منك إلا إليك .. إنك على كل شيء قدير ..

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Nas ma3ndaha la thema wala thmeeer!!!

Update: Apparently she was beaten up before that by her two sons.. Disgusting animals. Barbarians! Shal reyayeel ele e6egoon 7areem?

Mako galb! Mako ra7ma!!!!!

Adree ene dasha eb quwaa.. and its been a while.. bas let me tell u what happened today and you be the judge of that ,,

Kena eb yam3a today.. khalasna ghada.. oo we were having tea.. manshoof ela bara eldereesha a woman maska 3a9aya and is beating up a maid with it!!! Oo ga6at aaghrath-ha bel sekka o dashat !!! chan 3ami edakhel el maid dakhel 3andena bel serdab..

Latshofoon ele ana shefta L .. she was literally bleeding everywhere! She was cradling her arm.. her arm was swollen.. it looked broken.. BOTH her eyes were blue and black all over and swollen.. poor thing couldn’t even open her eyes men kether ma they are swollen.. and her jaw was swollen too.. She wouldn’t stop crying! She couldn’t even open her mouth to drink water..

What shocked me isn’t that this poor thing was BRUTALLY beaten! What shocked me was that some people were actually asking “Shsawat?! Akeed emsawya shay!”

LO SHEMSAWYA !!!!! LO SHEMSAWYA MA TEN6AG chethe !!!!!!! Law mahma 9ar..

Sawat shay ghala6?! Safreeeha! Wadeeha el embassy!! Wadeeeha el makhfar!! Laken et6eghaaa chethe?

She was hysterical when she saw a woman in a 3abaya because she thought it was m3azbat-ha! She wanted to run away..

3ami called el maktab.. o 9awar el be6aqa el madaneya malat ele yaya takheth-ha.. oo khalaha takteb ta3ahod ena betwadeeha el hospital and after that el embassy..

I am beyond sad. Where has their basic human rights gone? Just because their visa is on you DOES NOT give you any permission to control every aspect of their lives. They are NOT slaves! They are working for a living. 7alhom men 7alkom! Except that they were born under unfortunate conditions where they HAD to work as servants.

Ba6een chabdi. I wanted so bad to walk up to their door, ring the bell and give her a piece of my mind! 3ami kan na6erhom bara.. egool chan zain ye6le3oon..

How can someone be so cruel?! Using a human being as their own punching bag!

It was heart breaking.

7asbi allah 3alaihum.. Nas ma3ndaha la thimma wala themeer!! wele ba6 chabde ena they WILL get away with it. they always do. its very sad.

I took a picture of her as evidence from all angles. I am going to send it to the embassy to help them with her case. I refuse to believe that these ANIMALS are going to get away with it. And I am going to follow up on her story to make sure they don’t.

P.s. I would put up a picture of her to show u the brutality she was put through but I cannot violate her privacy like that.

p.p.s el7amdelah ya rab 3ala hal ne3ma ele ana 3aysha feeha.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

We're Not Hopless Romantics.. We're Hopeless at BEING Romantic!

so i was talking to a friend today.. bain esowalef.. i told him that i hated the whole lovey dovey gooey stuff..all he said was "ee .. le'ana ur an engineer".. and it got me thinking.. HE IS SO RIGHT!
(FYI.. he is too.. and im not an engineer yet.. im an engineer-to-be) ..

we are programmed to think practically.. to be realistic about things.. to look at whatever we are dealing with from every angle.. and of there is a problem.. we come up with different approaches to fix it.. we like things done quickly.. without any laff o dawaran.. fast and effective.. no drama no bullshit.. just straight to the point..

we are problem solvers.. not romantics.. we deal with numbers, not words.. by the time we graduate we are emotionally crippled!!

i hate the IDEA of holding hands.. or kissing under the moonlight.. or looking deeply into someone's eyes... lama ashoof hal ashya2 in movies.. all i think is YUCK! .. seriously .. GROSS! .. its so tacky..

i think i was a man in my past life.. *sigh*

i'm blaming it on engineering for this and not my intimacy issues ;p .. so that's that!

o salamatkum!